Does dieting leave you feeling unsatisfied? Do you crave sweets more now that you’re limiting how much you eat of them? If you answered “Yes,” it’s time to change what you eat as well as how you eat. You can enjoy delicious, protein-packed desserts which fill you up and satisfy cravings for something sweet.
Diet Options That You Can Live With
ProteinWise offers a variety of delicious dessert options for you to choose from. They’re part of a healthy diet because they’re low-calorie and packed with protein. That means they’ll fill you up fast without adding extra calories to your diet. You’ll feel less hungry after eating a protein-packed dessert option than you would an ordinary sweet.
Protein-Packed Which Helps You Feel Full Longer
The next time you have a craving for something special, why not go to the ProteinWise website and order a couple of boxes of your favorite treats? You’ve got options that align with your new lifestyle. You don’t have to count points or wait until ‘cheat day’ either. You can regularly enjoy protein-rich desserts whenever you want them.
What You’ll Find on the ProteinWise Website
Here is just a sampling of some of the foods we offer on our website:
Candy Bars. It doesn’t matter if you’re a dark chocolate or milk chocolate kind of person. You can have either option with HealthSmart ChocoRite bars. If you love nuts, peanut butter or crispy rice, you’ll find the different flavor options perfect. Keep a couple of boxes of these sweet treats around for dessert. They’re portable and best of all, you don’t have to eat a whole bar or package of clusters at once.
Cookies. Protein cookies are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth. They’re small enough that you can eat without guilt. They’re also portable which makes them great for lunches away from home. If you want to bring a bag to work to snack on, no problem. There are also a number of different flavor options for you to choose from. You can try a bunch of different flavors or stick to the ones you love best.
Cake. With Smartcakes, you're in for a treat without the guilt. It's great tasting and healthy. Low in calories, gluten free and sugar free! With a variety of fruit flavors and chocolate cake, there's something for everyone to enjoy.
You can have your cake and eat it, too, with ProteinWise. Our delicious dessert options are packed with protein and flavor so you’re never missing out. Rather than reach for a diet-busting piece of cake or similarly sweet baked good, why not choose the better option for yourself? Many of our desserts are low-calorie so you’re never putting yourself at risk of gaining more weight.