How to Survive a Diet Slip and Stay on Track

How to Survive a Diet Slip and Stay on Track

What to do when you’ve deviated from your weight loss plan.

There will come a time during your weight loss journey that you make a mistake and eat something that you shouldn’t have. After all, you’re human, right? The key to recovering after a slip-up is to keep a positive frame of mind. That way, you’re spending more time working toward your health goals and less time punishing yourself for making a little mistake.

Here is how to survive a diet slip-up:

  • Call in the reinforcements. It’s always a good idea to have some extra support and guidance from either a family member or a friend you can count on. Let them know that you want them to hold you accountable to make good decisions concerning your health. This includes what you choose to eat and the amount of food you consume. Checking in at least once a week with an accountability partner is a good way to stay on track and to encourage you after falling off the proverbial diet bandwagon.
  • Remember that it’s never too late to start all over once again. No one is keeping score nor do they expect you to be perfect. That’s why it’s important to know that one setback isn’t going to harm you. In fact, it may motivate you even further to meet your diet goals. If you’ve had a bad food day, make up for it the next day by eating protein-rich foods that are low-fat, low-sugar, and low-calorie. If you don’t have provisions on hand, stock up on them so you don’t have any other option but to eat good food.
  • Make sure you always have the right foods available. By never being without the types of food that are best for your body, you decrease the chances of you eating something you shouldn’t. Choose protein-packed meals and snacks that are individually portioned so that they’re easy to carry with you wherever you go. The next time you’re hungry and want something sweet or salty, all you’ll need to do is reach in your desk drawer or bag and pull of the food you want to eat. You’ll have something truly delicious to eat that allows you to stay within the constraints of your diet with very little effort.

Surviving a diet slip-up is easy when you know how important it is to get back on track fast. Don’t punish yourself for your mistake. Instead, replace the undesired behavior with new habits that you want to create for yourself. You’ll be able to recover from a diet faux pas quickly and painlessly that way.

Choose ProteinWise for Best Results

ProteinWise carries all the delicious meals, snacks, and beverages you need to help you lose weight. Learn more about the right amount of protein to meet your body’s needs. You’ll find it easy to satisfy cravings for something sweet, salty or savory by choosing from our wide selection of products meant to help you feel full longer.

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